
  • A Thunder Compute account
  • Visual Studio Code installed
  • A Thunder Compute instance created (see Step 1)


Create a Thunder Compute instance

First, create a Thunder Compute instance by following the steps in the Quickstart Guide.

Install the Remote - SSH extension

Install the Remote - SSH extension in VSCode.

Connect to the Thunder Compute instance

Navigate to the Remote Explorer on the left sidebar in VSCode. You should see your instance listed as tnr-0. If you just created your instance, you may have to wait up to 5 minutes for this to appear.

Note: if the instance is stopped it will not appear in Remote Explorer. Use the command $ tnr start <instance_id> to start it and wait for it to re-appear.

In the Remote Explorer, click the arrow to connect to the instance. Once connected, your screen should look like the image below:


You have successfully connected VSCode to your Thunder Compute instance. You can now develop as if you are locally attached to a virtual GPU.